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You can have a New Life in Christ!
If you will Receive/Accept the Lord Jesus Christ, as your Savior, you should have NO FEAR of Death, because God offers Eternal Life through His Son, to All who come to Him for it!
John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
1 John 5:11 And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
This is my Testimony: The Lord Jesus Christ - Saved me from Certain Death and from the Wrath and Judgment from a Holy & Perfect God that is to come upon the world and I now have a New Life in Christ.
Hebrews 9:27 27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment
YOU can be Saved from Certain Death and from the Wrath and Judgment from a Holy & Perfect God and Receive a New Life in Christ as well...
John 5:24 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 6:3-4New Life in Christ
3 Or are you unaware that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 Therefore we were buried with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too may walk in newness of life.
NOTE: The baptism mentioned here is not baptism by water. This is baptism into the death of Christ and just as He was covered by His Blood, we too are covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ that He shed at the Cross of Calvary.
When we come to Christ through faith, admitting that we are sinners guilty of our sins and reaching out to Christ and him alone for the forgiveness of our sins and that by the Grace of God and not of our own works or doings we are forgiven. It is through the sacrifice and Blood shed by Jesus Christ on the cross, on our behalf, that we are forgiven of our sins and saved from the wrath that we deserve to have placed upon ourselves from a Holy God. By faith we believe in what Jesus Christ did for us at the cross and in so doing we receive the Gift of God which is Eternal Life in Jesus Christ.
We are spiritually covered, as in baptism, by the Blood of Jesus Christ. The water baptism is an outward sign of what has taken place in our hearts and what we are believing to be so, through faith in the Word of God. The water baptism does not save us, but it is our public declaration proclaiming through Faith, that we have been buried with Christ into His death, covered by His Blood and we have been raised with Him, and believing through faith that as He (Jesus), was resurrected into newness of life, so we will also be raised with Him into newness of life as well.
Romans 8:1-4The Life-Giving Spirit
1. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, 4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
Evidence - I see the Evidence of Your Goodness, All over my Life
We will ALL face Physical Death one day. However, DEATH is not the End of our Existence.
So, what is DEATH?
Death is a Separation of the Soul (which is the real You), from the Body into 1 of 2 Eternal Destinations.
The Bible presents death as a separation: physical death is the separation of the soul from the body, and spiritual death is the separation of the soul from God.
What is our Soul?What is the human soul?
Our soul is made up of the spirit (intangible) and material (tangible). It is the fabric that represents us. It does not have a location in the body, but is the entire body plus our spiritual elements.
Man became a living soul when God created us in His image.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
Further, while our souls may also include material parts of ourselves (such as our body), our soul is not limited to our body, and it can depart from it.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit will return to God who gave it.
The human soul is the part of a person that is not physical. It is your mind, your thoughts, your emotions, and your conscience.
It is the part of every human being that lasts eternally after the physical body itself experiences physical death.
I have been Forgiven, Saved and Set Free by the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have been Forgiven of my sins (wrongdoings), set free from the power and control of the evil one (the devil), and his demonic followers and Saved from the Final Judgement and Wrath that I deserve to Receive from a Holy and Just God. Since I am forgiven of my sins, I have received the Gift of God which is Eternal Life.
So, will I actually die? Not really. Because for the Christian (those who have accepted Jesus as thier personal Lord and Savior), even though my body will physically die, I myself will continue to live in the next realm of life. Another words, I won't be dead long enough to know I died.
2 Corinthians 5:6-8 6 So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.
He paid the sin debt for me and for you by the shedding of His Blood on the Cross at Calvary.
He experienced death for you and me so we wouldn't have to die, because He substituted His Life for us... He then Rose from the Grave on the 3rd Day in Triumphant Victory, Conquering Death and Defeating Sin so that we, may have Eternal Life through Him!
Yes, my physical body will pass away and cease to exist, but I will continue to live and God will create a new body that will never cease and never die again.
Our human bodies are described in 1 Corinthians 15:42–53 42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption.
43 It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power.
44 It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
45 And so it is written, "The first man Adam became a living being." The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.
47 The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven.
48 As was the man of dust, so also are those who are made of dust; and as is the heavenly Man, so also are those who are heavenly.
49 And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man.
Our Final Victory
50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption.
51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed
52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
They are described as perishable, dishonorable, and weak, all due to sin. Our glorified bodies will be imperishable, honorable, and powerful. Our new bodies will no longer be "natural" bodies, subject to decay and death; we will live in "victory over sin and death," won by Christ on our behalf 1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
We can only receive Eternal Life by the Grace of God through our Faith in His Son Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2:8-10 By Grace Through Faith
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
I give all my Praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. He saved me from my struggles and He saved me from certain death.
Now through the Power of His Holy Spirit, that I have receive from Him, His Spirit is teaching and showing me through His Word found in the Bible how to live my life in the Freedom He has given me, while I'm still here on this earth. He is also Preparing me for my Eternal Life with Him, when I depart from this earthly body.
I was Physically Touched by the Holy Spirit of God!
God Physically touch me with His Holy Spirit and the experience turned my belief and faith in Him into a Solid Reality.
I know and believe without a doubt that Jesus is Alive and Real and I know this from a personal and physical experience because I Physically Felt the Presence of His Holy Spirit.
My wife Nancy and I are currently members of a great Christian Church and we are members of the Prayer Team, which meets once a week and prays for anyone who has a prayer request along with praying for our Prayer Team Members, our Church Leaders, our Congregation and community and any special needs we may have ourselves.
During one of our Prayer Sessions as I was Praying for help with some financial concerns that my wife and I were having because my employment was going through some new ownership issues and hours where being cut, that some of our Prayer Team Members came a stood behind me and laid their hands on my shoulders and back as we all prayed.
As we were praying, I heard a small voice telling me to place my right hand on one of the members hands who had placed his hand on my right shoulder. As I did this, I felt a Physical Sensation move into my right shoulder and I could actually feel it slowly moving down from my right shoulder into the right side of my chest. It was a warm, tingling, vibrating sensation that I physically could feel. It's hard to explain, but it was real. It continued to move into the center of my chest and once it was there, I felt a warming sensation like warm water flowing within my chest and it grew and consumed my entire chest area.
As I was feeling the Presence of the Holy Spirit, within me, I started saying things in prayer that were coming from my mouth faster than my mind could think or express them. The Holy Spirit had taken over and was revealing Himself to me and others that were there.
It is over-whelming to know that God, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that is contained within them, has Himself physically touched me and made Himself known to me through his Holy Spirit.
This is my Testimony... This was my Old Life
I was a horrible wicked person, I was totally self-centered and extremely selfish in all my ways, actions and thinking. I angered easily, used extensive profanity, I dealt with bouts of drunkeness, addictions to nicotine (which is a drug), so yes, I can call myself a drug addict because of the years of smoking and the stuggles of trying to quit, I committed sexual lusts and I desired to have the same things that other people had, which is considered coveting. I committed acts of deception, lies, theft, hatred and so much more. I basically broke every one of the Ten Commandments and all that is a part of them. I WAS A MESS...a Sinner in the Eyes of a Holy God.
I've lied and deceived. I have lied numerous times to get out of situations that I got in to in order to minimize the consequence. We all have told a lie at some point in our lives. Even when telling the truth about something, if you only tell part of the truth and hold back on telling it all, that is a form of deception/lie.
During my first marriage, my wife Helena and I gave our hearts to the Lord Jesus and we accepted Him into our lives as our Lord, but we did not continue in our walk with Him. We did not continue to learn who He was and what He had really done for us, and we were not following up on our commitment to Him by going to church and fellowshipping with our brother and sisters in Christ, or in raising our sons in a way where they would know Christ.
There was a lot on anger in me because life was not going the way I wanted it to go. I took a lot of my anger out on my sons. I remember there were times when I would yell and curse at them, and even gave them a good beating for things they did, but, I was blowing the situation totally out of proportion because they were never bad enough to deserve how I treated them.
Since I failed to lead my family in following the Lord and living our lives for Him, life continued to be a dfficult struggle and things fell apart because, even through we gave our hearts to the Lord, we were preventing Him from helping us because we were still living in disobedience to Him.
Because I failed as a father and a husband to bring my family up in a Christian environment my first marriage ended in divorce.
I walked out on my first wife and my sons due to financial, martial and infidelity problems. My sons suffered a great deal due to my actions and the divorce and for that I am truly sorry, because a lot of their suffering is the result of my sin of anger (outbursts of wrath), selfish ambitions, covetousness, idolatry, envy, etc.
I did however reconcile with my first wife during our separation and we decided to become friends again and to get through the divorce as peaceably as possible. We remained friends until her death on 6/20/2015 due to health related problems. She is greatly loved and missed by me and all who knew her.
I remarried a second time and I thought this marriage was going to lead me into a better life. Boy was I wrong. the marriage lasted 1 year and 3 months and financially wiped me out and put me into serious debt.
In 1999, after my second divorce, I was introduced to the internet and became addicted to it and I tried to make extra money at home like a lot of other people were trying to do in the beginning.
I committed idolatry. The computer and the internet became an idol to me for many years as I tried to find ways to make that almighty dollar.
I had my own adult sites that I tried to sell all kinds of stuff to satisfy the human urges of sexual lust. The Holy Sprit convicted me of my wrong doings and I closed it down after a year and a half.
I also had a gambling website that lured people into the sin of online gambling. Made some money with this, but I closed this down when the government announced that it was going to make online gambling in the US illegal.
In 2000 I moved to Florida and Jesus brought a very wonderful and beautiful Christian woman into my life and answered numerous prayers.
She had also gone through a divorce . After meeting her numerous times and getting to know her, we fell in love with each other and I decided it was time for a major change in my life and in 2007, I moved from Florida to New Hampshire to start a new life together.
During our first several years together we we not living as God wanted us to, because we were living together as girlfriend and boyfriend. We had other family members living with us and I was working at a job that I was not happy with and that did not pay enough to cover our expenses properly.
We were experiencing a lot of troublesome situations and since we were not following God as we should have and since I did not do my part in seeking God for help, guidance and assistance, like I should have, I was misguided and mislead by outside influences and I made a very wrong and hurtful decision to leave my girlfriend in her time of need.
I left her and moved to New Jersey to be with my sons. On my way to NJ she continued to call me on the phone to find out where I was because I did not come home that dreadful day after work. I was a coward and ran off. I finally answered one of her calls and she pleaded over and over for me to come back home, but through my self-centered foolishness I refused.
I was totally wrong in what I did and how I did it. I hurt her and myself very much and I will regret it for the rest of my life.
During the 8 months that I was away, she continued to stay in touch with me. In the beginning I kept trying to push her away. I am so very thankful to my Lord Jesus that He kept her determined and focused on not giving up on me.
Each time she contacted me I could feel Jesus touching my heart and softening it to be more acceptable to wanting to be with her again. I was becoming less aggravated and angry over the things that I could not change and realizing that I needed God back in my life and that the only way to change the things that needed to be changed was through Jesus.
One day when she called, we were talking about getting back together and that it would be best to move back to New Hampshire, since we could not afford to move to NJ. The cost of living in NJ was just too much for the job I was looking into getting. She said she wanted to get back together the right way in God's eyes and that if we were to live together again we would have to get married first.
I was in total agreement with her because this is what I wanted as well, and I said YES, let's do this now, the right way, in the eyes of Our Lord. So I said let's get married. We knew that there would be some people in my family that would not be in agreement with this, but that would have to be their problem.
In a matter of 3 weeks she made all the arrangements for our wedding and honeymoon and made the bridal parties gowns and made matching vests for her grandsons who were in the wedding procession.
My wife and I have given our hearts and our lives over to Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and our lives have been truly blessed.
I Re-Committed My Life to Jesus Christ and Decided to Follow and to Know Him by Seeking to have a Relationship with Him!
Jesus saved me from living a life going down the wrong path towards destruction of my soul. Jesus saved me from eternal death, which is eternal seperation from God and has given me the Gift of God which is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Jesus has also set me free from the addictions I had from smoking, from sexual lust, from the love of money (greed), despair, sorrow, guilt, anger and so much more, and Jesus wants to do the same for YOU, if you will let Him.
I could not do it on my own, but through the Power of the Holy Spirit from Jesus Christ Himself these things were made possible, because I came to Him for help,I confessed of my sins and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
Even though I still have struggles and still slip and fall (sin), I call on Jesus each time for Forgiveness and He Forgives me. I no longer live in the habitual lifestyle of sin that I was living in before, because the Power of the Holy Spirit within me is now changing me, as I surrender my life to Jesus Christ.
I no longer struggle with these addictions, lusts, strongholds, desires because I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior and over time He has been changing me and has helped me through His Power, not my own power to overcome these things.
My attitude has changed greatly for the better. I am a lot calmer, than I was before. I don't feel as stressed about situations like I use to, especially in the area of finances.
I have a complete sense of calmness and stronger feelings of love and compassion for others knowing that God is actually within me and I feel completely confident in knowing that God Himself is in control of my life, and that is a beautiful thing to know and experience.
I feel as if I now have a closer and more personal relationship with my Lord and Savoir Jesus Himself and I feel His Presence within me at all times.
I find myself in just about any situation, asking Him how I should handle the situation.
I also find myself, when I slip and fall into negative or sinful behavior, such as when I slip and use inappropriate language which still happens from time to time, but not as frequent as it used to, I find myself feeling convicted immediately and I feel ashamed that I said or did something that was sinful.
I then notice that little voice, also known as that (still small voice) within me telling me that what I just did, said or thought was wrong and I need to ask for forgiveness right away.
I know that little voice that we feel is God talking to us and we need to listen to Him.
I am thankful that, Jesus came into my life and saved me from the eternal fires of hell and being separated from Him for all eternity.
Philippians 4:13
13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
For I am now a Blood Bought, Totally Forgiven, Completely Redeemed, Absolutely Loved, Heaven Bound, Child of the Living God.
Pastor Greg Laurie in the videos below, shares the secret to overcoming worry and anxiety, even while living in a fast-paced society.
God's Answer to Fear, Worry, and Anxiety (With Greg Laurie)
Watch the Video below.
Hurried, Worried, Buried (How to Overcome Fear, Worry, and Anxiety)
Watch the Video below.
Jesus answered my Prayers and helps me to STOP smoking.
At the age of 18, I started the ugly habit of smoking. Over the years, during my marriages, I tried numerous ways to quit. I tried the gum, hypnosis several times, the fake cigarettes etc., but nothing worked.
Finally after 29 years of smoking, Jesus finally saved me. Starting In July 2004, I started to have a problem with swollen glands in the side of my neck, and I could feel what felt like a lump in my throat.
I went to the local clinic and they ran several tests and they all came back negative for what they were testing for, but the doctor finally told me it MIGHT be throat cancer. They gave me a 14 day prescription of antibiotics and told me to come back in 14 days. As I left the office I was horrified and scared to death. I did not know what I was going to do if I really did have throat cancer.
After I got home that day, I went on the computer and I looked up the symptoms for throat cancer and it seemed that I had them all.
Every day since I went to the clinic, on a daily basis, I was trying to smoke less. Each night I would take the cigarettes I had left and tore them in half and threw them in the garbage and I would tell myself I was done smoking.
Then, each day I would make it to about lunch time then the urge and cravings got to me and I would go out and buy another pack and I would tell myself just smoke one to relieve the urge and anxiety. I ended up smoking about 6 to 8 during the course of the day and then at night before going to bed I did the same thing. Tore them up, threw them out and said I'm done.
Over the years before this happened, I tried numerous ways to quit. I tried the gum, hypnosis several times, the fake cigarettes etc., but nothing worked. Finally in my desperation to quit and because of my failures of trying to do it on my own, I turned to God. I started praying daily, more than once a day, for Jesus to help me to finally become a non-smoker and to prevent me from having throat cancer.
After 14 days there were no changes in my condition so I went to the emergency room and asked them to find out what was wrong. They set me up to see an ear, nose and throat specialist and it was another week and a half before I could get the appointment.
When I went in to see the specialist, he looked deep down into my throat with a big bright light. He finally sat down on his chair with wheels and rolled himself against the wall on the other side of the room.
He then proceeded to write on his pad, for probably 2 - 3 minutes, but it felt like an hour, and this was making me very nervous because he wasn't saying anything, just doing a lot of writing.
He then looked up at me and said, "You DO NOT have throat cancer".
Thank you Lord, I felt greatly relieved. He told me, my throat was raw and burned and that the swelling of the glands on the side of my throat was a reaction to the rawness in my throat, but we never found the actual cause.
He then said the following, he said, "However if you DO NOT QUIT smoking NOW, you WILL HAVE throat cancer". I look back on that now and I believe God used him to say that to me as a way of saying, it's time to make a decision and I had a lot of decisions to make.
He did not prescribe any medication for my symptoms or anything else, that was it. I left his office and I had about 6 cigarettes in my pocket. I took them out, tore them up and said God I need you now, I don't want these things and I threw them out. That was on 8/14/2004.
In fact, I went to Walmart after leaving his office and had a sickening sensation come over me as I approached the store and had to walk past people outside who were smoking. I had to hold my breath till I got past them because the smell was nauseating. From that day forward, no more cravings, no more symptoms of withdrawal or desires to smoke. Praise God, because for the first time, I was experiencing within me a peace and calmness over something I could not control before. I now have no desire within me to smoke again and it was as if I had never smoked in my life.
Jesus did for me what I could not do myself. He took away the demonic stronghold that we call an addiction and He did it in a nano-second.
(Update for 2020) I am no longer addicted smoking, to the computer and the internet as a means of trying to make money with it, and allowing it to consume me as it has done in the past, because Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit within me has set me free from this idolistic affliction and so much more.
John 8:31-36 The Truth Shall Make You Free
31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
33 They answered Him, "We are Abraham's descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, 'You will be made free'?"
34 Jesus answered them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.
35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.
36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.
Jesus answers prayers to have successful cataract surgery
My 1st Cataract surgery was done on 9/15/2017. Feeling good, eye sight clearer than before, doctor said it will improve in a few days with healing. I thank Jesus for providing the resources for this to be done and for giving the doctors and nurses the knowledge to do what they do. Praying for Jesus to complete the healing process since He is the only one that provides all healing within us. Best part, I wrote and read this without my glasses. Actually clearer to read through the eye that was operated on than my eye waiting for the surgery in two weeks. Actually can't wait. It's nice to see all that God has created with more clarity. Thank you Jesus, all Praise and Glory to You.
On Wednesday 9/27, my wife was communicating with a friend of ours in England, who is an Evangelist and she asked him to pray for my upcoming cataract surgery on Friday 9/30. He said he will pray, and then a few minutes later after he had gone into prayer, he messaged back to my wife and said that I would have 20/20 vision.
It was such a blessing to have him give us these words that he received from Jesus that my eyes would be healed, giving me 20/20 vision, which is what I and others have been praying for, and my Good Lord Jesus would be answering our prayers.
My 2nd Cataract surgery was finally done on 9/29/2017 on my right eye. On Saturday 9/30, I went to the post-op appointment with the doctor. They said my surgery went well and they gave me an eye test and before I could asked how it turned out, the doctor said "well, you did good, you HAVE 20/20 vision". I thanked our Good Lord Jesus for giving me 20/20 vision. Jesus answered our prayers and the words that he gave to the Evangelist on Wednesday 9/27, were now confirmed by the doctor.
All Praise and Glory I give to Jesus, our Almighty Father in Heaven. The amazing thing also is that the doctor said my eyes will continue to heal over the next couple of weeks and that my vision will get better as they heal, but Jesus is working ahead of that. Thank you Jesus, no more glasses for me.
I thanked the Doctor for answering his calling to be an eye surgeon and said God gave him an amazing talent... the doctor told me that he believed that God gave him that talent as well. When my wife and I got to the car to leave we were both moved to tears... we are so thankful. Thank you and all Praise and Glory to our Lord Jesus.
I know a lot of people will say they know someone who has had cataract surgery and they also received 20/20 vision, so what makes mine so special?
Mine was foretold by Jesus 2 days before the surgery that I Would have 20/20 vision and on the 3rd day it was revealed in testing that I had 20/20 vision. Yes, everyone that goes through this does have a slim chance of having 20/20 vision, most however don't, and they still need corrective glasses. In my case I was told in advance that I would have, not might have or could have, but I would and I did.
Jesus answers our prayers during financial hardship with a Wonderful Financial Blessing
Our Lord Jesus is an Amazingly Awesome and Wonderful GOD. Thank you my Lord Jesus for the blessing you provided for me and my wife in October and November 2016.
Like so many people in this great country, we run our finances pay check to pay check with very little left over for savings.
However we have been running extremely tighter than usual and over the last several months our little bit in savings has gotten smaller and smaller as we pay our bills each month.
In the beginning of October we were starting to have car issues with a bad wheel bearing and since we are so tight financially we did not have the extra finances to cover the repair.
During my daily prayers that I do every morning, I have been praying to Jesus to help us with our financial situation, such as an increase in work at my job so that all of us at work could receive some needed over-time, or for help in any other way that my Lord may decide to help us with that I have no clue as to what He may decide to do. Another words, I was praying for a financial Miracle.
Well, in the nick of time He answered my prayers. We started to receive over-time at work and we were able to afford to have the wheel bearing fixed along with rear brakes.
Thank you my Lord Jesus for your help and assistance.
Even though I just started to get some over-time at work, we also ran extremely tight with our household finances since our mortgage just went up because of an increase in our taxes.
On 10/31 when I transferred money from my account that I get direct deposit into from work, into the account that we pay our mortgage from, I found that we were short. I also had to transfer what little we had in savings money to cover our mortgage.
We were able to scrap enough to pay our bills and mortgage from the month and to pay our tithing to the church, which we have been doing on a weekly basis.
So after paying our mortgage, bills and tithe for the month we ending up with 0.31 in my checking account, 0.14 in my wife's savings account, 0.48 in my saving account, 0.95 in our money market, and $5.55 in our main checking account for paying bills.
Yup, we were broke, but we are thankful to our Lord that we were able to meet our expenses and responsibility to our church and still have a little left over.
But as I have continued to pray for financial assistance, it turned out that our Good Lord was not going to stop helping us just by providing extra work so we could receive over-time.
During the last week of October, my wife was told by the person who writes out the checks from the church that God was going to bless us financially.
She was told that a person or persons who are to remain anonymous have donated some money to the church and they were instructed by God that this money was to go specifically to us as a financial blessing.
This came to us a a great surprise, relief and blessing that we are extremely thankful to our Lord Jesus.
On 10/31/2016, we received the financial blessing that we were told we would receive and it came right from our Lord Jesus Himself. Wow, Our God is awesome.
Matthew 6:32-34 New King James Version (NKJV) 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
I can't stress enough how important it is to have Jesus in your life. Not just for the blessings you will receive here in this lifetime, but mostly because you will be building and storing your Treasures for all Eternity in Heaven.
My wife, Nancy and I have been so blessed this past year since we have gotten closer in our relationship with our Lord Jesus.
Jesus answers another prayer of mine
During the first week of October 2017, my dad came up from Florida to visit my wife and I, and during his visit we went to church on Sunday. My dad doesn't go to church on a regular basis so this was good for him.
After church service our pastor has a time where people can come up to the front to be prayed for. Our pastor will ask what need or concerns you may have and he, along wit our prayer team members will lay their hands on the person and they will pray to Jesus for them.
My wife went up for some prayer and my dad asked me what she was doing and I told him she had some concerns that she wanted prayer for.
While we sat there waiting, I asked my dad if there was anything he wanted prayer for and he said no, he was good.
My wife in the meantime came back and sat down after she had her concerns prayed for and while we were watching others who were going up to be prayed for I got up and decided to have some of my concerns prayed for as well.
While I was standing in line thinking about the things I wanted to be prayed for, I also, thought about my dad and hoping that he would come to know Jesus himself and to be saved. I found myself thinking about how my dad needs salvation and I found myself tearing up and lightly crying to Jesus while I was in line asking Jesus to open my dads heart and to touch him so he could make that decision to want to know Him or to at least plant the seed that could in time bring my dad to make the decision to accept Jesus into his life.
A few minutes later my dad came up and stood next to me in line and said he wanted to have some prayers for my mom who is still in Florida and was not able to come up to visit us because she is in a nursing home with dementia/Alzheimer and blind due to macular degeneration. My dad visits her and takes her out to eat pretty much every day and takes care of her as much as he can.
When it was our turn to be prayed for our pastor asked my dad what he wanted to be prayed for and he told him about my mom and her health issues and how he misses having her with him all the time. They have been together since high school and married for the last 63 years.
My pastor then asked me what I wanted to have prayer for and instead of me asking for prayers for my concerns, I told him to pray that my dad gets the desire to want to know Jesus and to bring Him into his life.
It's not that I don't need prayers for my concerns, because I do, but I felt it was more important to have prayer for my Dad's salvation. I do pray daily every morning for my concerns and I give thanks daily for all Jesus has done for me and for saving me.
Anyway, my mom and dad were both prayed for, and even though my dad did not make the decision then to accept Jesus into his life, I know the seed was now planted within him and that in time that seed will grow and will hopefully convict my dad into wanting to get to know Jesus and to ask him into his life.
Thank you Jesus for answering another prayer of mine, and that was to have my dad to come forth for prayer and in doing so, having a seed planted within him so that in time he will hopefully make the decision to want to know You (Jesus) as his Lord and Savior and to ask You (Jesus) to come into his life.
All I can do now is to continue to pray for my dad's salvation.
UPDATE My mom passed away on 6/11/2018 and later that week my dad accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and is now saved, forgiven and going to Heaven. Thank you Jesus for another answered prayer.
O Praise The Name of the Lord our God! Please watch this Awesome Video! (Includes Lyrics)
Today is the Day that YOU should Consider Making the Biggest and Most Important Decision that Will Affect the Rest of Your Life... here on this Earth and for the Rest of Eternity!
Jesus wants to Forgive YOU of your Sins and Save YOU from Eternal Seperation from God the Father and from Eternal Death so YOU can Live Forever, with Him in Heaven!
However, YOU need to Make that Decision! Jesus is Waiting on YOU!
Jesus Loves YOU more than you will ever know or understand. Click Here to know how much Jesus Loves YOU and what He has done for YOU! Click Here and Choose Life! - Invite Jesus into your life, Today!
IMPORTANT NOTE: FAILURE or REFUSAL to Accept God's Gift of Eternal Life through His Son Jesus Christ WILL Guarantee You a spot in HELL, because HELL is the Default Destination of EVERY Human Being,NOT Heaven as a lot of people think it is because all of us have been born into sin, because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, so ALL of us are facing Eternal Death in HELL. However...Jesus Christ can and will set us FREE from the HELL we are facing, if we turn to HIM.
HELL is... Mark 9:48Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. Click Here and Discover what happens in the Final Judgment.
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Titus 2:11-15
11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,
12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,
13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,
14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.
15 Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.
John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:17 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
All Things Made New Revelation 21:1-8
1. Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.
2 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.
4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
5 Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful."
6 And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.
7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.
8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
You Have a Decision to Make! Don't Wait until it's TOO Late!
I highly recommend that you take the time to learn more about Jesus and how He wants to Bless you and Help you. Ask Him into your life as your Lord and Savior and then start building a Relationship with your Heavenly Father. Get to know Him through reading His Words found in the Holy Bible. Love Him, Trust in Him, Believe in Him, have Faith in Him and all that He wants to do for you.
We all have the Free Will to make the Free Choice to Accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and repent from our sins and ask to be forgiven, and then by the Grace of our Heavenly Father, we can be Saved from the Punishment that we so rightly deserve to receive because of our sinful nature.
The choice is yours to make, so choose wisely. It is a matter of Eternal Life or Eternal Death.
I made my decision and I accepted Jesus as My Lord and Savior, and I Love Him with all my heart, mind, body and soul. I will Love Him, Worship Him, Praise Him and Glorify Him for ALL Eternity.
We have ALL been Born into Sin and Fall Short of the Glory of God! However... God Made a Way For Us, to be Forgiven! No matter what you've done, you can be Cleansed of the Stain left by Sin.
God LOVES Us so much that He gave His Son to Die for Us, as payment for our sins.
I would like to ask everyone who has taken the time to read this to please look to the Lord Jesus for your Salvation. Ask Him to come into your heart and into your life as your Lord and Savior. Believe in Him, have Faith in Him, have Trust in Him. He will meet all your needs and He will be there for you at all times. I know this for a fact, because He HAS and IS, there for me at all times. He is waiting for YOU. What are YOU waiting for.
I know and believe without any doubts that, Jesus is Real, Jesus is Alive, Jesus is Here, right now, today watching over all of us, and He wants Me and all of You to come to Him and to be Born Again so that we can all have Eternal Life with Him in Heaven.
Thank you Jesus for everything You have done and continue to do for me, everyday of my life.
Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to You right now, that You will open the Spiritual Eyes of thebhearts and minds of everyone who has read this testimonial so that they would hopefully make the decision to ask and receive You into their lives as their Lord and Savoir.
In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
If you make that decision, then ask Him for the forgiveness of your sins, so that you can receive through His Grace, the Free Gift of Salvation, that he Freely offers to everyone who is willing to accept it and receive it.
Jesus wants to Forgive YOU of your Sins and Save YOU from Eternal Seperation from God the Father and from Eternal Death so YOU can Live Forever, with Him in Heaven!
However, YOU need to Make that Decision! Jesus is Waiting on YOU!
Jesus Loves YOU more than you will ever know or understand. Click Here to know how much Jesus Loves YOU and what He has done for YOU! Click Here and Choose Life! - Invite Jesus into your life, Today!
Wall of Memories!
The following are memories of many other times that Jesus has helped, provided and delivered me.
Jesus saved me from serious injury.
During a time of disarray in my life, I had a job as a commercial bus driver, driving commuters to NYC in the morning so they could go to work and then Home in the afternoon.
During this one particular day, I was a designated drivers bus, that took drivers from our terminal in NJ to the holding lot where our drivers would park their buses after their morning runs and would wait until they had to start their afternoon runs taking commuter home for the day.
I was at a traffic light waiting for the light to turn green. I was in the lane to go straight and on my left was the left turn only lane with a tractor trailer truck next to me. When the left turn only light came on so the tractor trailer next to me could make his left turn, he decided he did not want to go left, and he decided to go straight. I still had a red light so I could not go anywhere.
As he proceeded to go straight he had to turn slightly toward me to get himself into the lane that I was in to proceed forward.
As he was slowly moving forward, I noticed the side of the 45 foot trailer he was pulling was moving closer to the front driver side corner of my bus. The side view mirror of our buses where on swivel arms so I opened my side window to pull the side-view mirror in towards the side of my bus so the trailer would not hit my mirror as he passed.
Just as I place my hand on the outside edge of the mirror the one driver that I had on my bus that I was taking to the holding lot so he could get his bus so he could start his run for the evening that he stood up and yelled at me to get my arm in the window.
It was the type of yell that would startle you and that's just what it did. it startled me and I immediately pulled my left arm back into the window.
Just as I pulled my arm back into the bus, the side of the trailer that the truck was pulling hit my side view mirror and side-swiped my bus. It shook the entire bus and felt like an earthquake. My front driver side windshield cracked and the left front corner frame of the bus was slightly bent out of shape.
My side view mirror opened up a gap in the side of the trailer that was about half the length of the 45 foot trailer. I was continually pressing on the horn of the bus trying to get the attention of the truck driver, but he was too far forward to hear the horn and at an angle that he could not see what was happening.
The other driver that was with me, called dispatch and they called the police. They found the truck driver a few blocks away and when they pulled him over and told him he side-swiped somebody he did not believe it, until he saw the gap torn in the side of his trailer.
I know my Lord Jesus was with me that day, just like He is everyday, but on this day He really saved me from a horrific disaster, that could have resulted in my left arm being torn off at the elbow.
I know this because as a drivers bus taking drivers from our main terminal in NJ to the holding lot to get their buses so they can start their runs taking commuters home from NYC, we normally have several drivers on the bus and they are usually talking among themselves and not paying much attention to what is going on around them.
On this day, I had 1 driver on the bus and he was watching what was going on. As soon as he saw what was going to happen, he jumped up and yelled for me to get my arm back in the window.
I know that if I had more drivers on the bus and if they where talking as usual among themselves, they probably would not have seen what was about to happen and I would have lost my arm at the elbow.
Jesus, knew what was going to happen that day and He made sure I had 1 driver who was going to be paying attention, so He could use that driver to warn me of the danger that was going to occur.
I look back on that day from time to time and I thank my Lord Jesus for being there for me, on that day.
Jesus saved me from another serious disaster.
There was a few more times that I remember, where Jesus saved me from potential disasters.
One time while I was a tour bus driver, I was driving a group non-stop from NYC to Quebec, Canada. This trip was schedule to leave NYC at 10 PM, and I was to drive all night, but we ran late because the group was not ready on time.
I was looking at an 8 to 9 hour run that was supposed to go non-stop to our destination in Canada. As I was driving I must have zoned out or dozed off while going up the interstate and all I remember was seeing the road had a slight bend and I was still going straight. I turned the wheel quickly and I remember hitting the rumble strip and looking over the edge of the road and seeing tree tops.
This jarred some of the passengers who were sleeping and they asked if everything was ok, and I said yes, things are just fine. But they weren't really fine. It scared the daylights out of me that I had almost drove the entire bus of about 40 passengers including myself, over a cliff.
We where a few miles south of the Canadian border and it was almost 7 AM when this happened and I have been driving since 8 PM the night before, because I had left my terminal the night before at 8 PM to go to NYC to pick up the group and left NYC at midnight, about 2 hours behind schedule.
I remembered there was a place at the next exit where I had stopped with other trips where you could get some coffee and I decided to stop for a 15 to 20 minute rest before crossing into Canada.
As I pulled off at the exit, the group leader asked me what I was doing and I said I was taking a short safety strop, and the told me we were supposed to be going non-stop. I told her I was stopping and that was that.
After we had stopped, I thought back to what happened and I thanked Jesus for waking me and saving me from the disaster that could have occurred.
We got back on the road and we reached our destination safely, at 3 PM after an unplanned stop that the group leader notified me about on the way, that they wanted to make. I had been up and driving from 8PM Wednesday night to 3PM Thursday afternoon.
This trip turned out to be a success, because Jesus was with me and guiding me along the way. Thank you Jesus.
Jesus saved me from serious injury or possible death in a horrible accident.
Another time that my Lord Jesus saved me from a life-threatening disaster was when I was working as an independent operator for Fed/Ex. My route that I had over the first couple of years had grown from 4 towns to 6 towns.
At that time, I live an hours ride from the terminal where I kept my truck, and the route I covered was a hours ride from the terminal as well.
During this particular time, management was trying to get the corporate management to down size my route from the 130 to 140 deliveries a day I was doing to the standard 80 to 90 deliveries a day, where it should have been. I was also delivering approximately 350 to 400 packages a day.
I was notifying my management that I was almost on a daily basis, zoning out while drive my car to and from work. I was going in to the terminal at 5AM to help finish loading my truck for the day deliveries and I was returning to the terminal around 7 to 8:30 PM on a regular basis.
Numerous times I found my self bouncing into the grass median on one of the 4 lane highways going to the terminal.
I was just plain burning out. During the last 6 to 8 months before my catastrophe, corporate was not approving any of the redistricting plans my management was proposing to them for downsizing my route.
I remember that on April 27th 2000, I was leaving the terminal a little after 8PM and I was going to go to my fathers for his birthday before going home. I never made it.
While traveling on one of the 4 lane highways that I had to use, I found myself going about 50 - 55 mph and just in front of me, about one and a half tractor trailers lengths away was a pick-up truck doing zero at a red light.
I was in the far left lane of this 4 lane highway with a concrete barrier on my left and cars on my right.
I put on my brakes as hard as I could and tried to maneuver my car in between the concrete median and the pick up truck.
I didn't quite make it and the passenger side headlight and side of my car hit the left driver side bumper area of the pick up truck, sending the rear of the pick up truck slightly up into the air as hit pushed the hood of my car from the front passenger side of the car towards the and tearing down the front passenger side quarter panel of my car.
The front of my car at impact slid real nicely under the bumper of the pick up truck because I was driving a 1996 Camaro with the sloped down front end.
Anyway, nobody got hurt and as I waited for the police I realized that if I had hit the pick up truck square in the rear end like I would have done, if the Good Lord had not brought me out of my zoned out state that I must have fallen into just before impact, that I would have been decapitated on impact.
I remember going through the intersecting just before the intersection where accident happened and in that short period of time I must have zoned out from being over-tired and over worked, but my Lord Jesus saved me in the nick of time by bringing me back to reality guided me to safety.
This was a big learning experience that showed me that Jesus was looking after me and protecting me from a complete disaster. I never would have survived, if it was not for Jesus being there to save me.
Even though I still had the accident, I know that Jesus wanted me to learn from this and the other experiences that I have had in my life, that He was there for me and that He loved me unconditionally, even while I was not following Him and trusting in Him, as I should have, so that I would learn that no matter what, he would be there for me under any situation and that I could always count on Him to be there for me when I needed Him so that in time, I would learn to turn to Him and to accept Him as my Lord and Savior and to turn my life over to Him for my complete salvation.
And that is what I did. A few years after this, I asked Jesus to come into my life as my Lord and Savior and to forgive me for my sins and to teach me, lead me and guide me along His path for my life.
Jesus provides me with a wonderful job
Going back to when my wife and I had gotten married and I was in need of looking for a new job I had a couple of job opportunities that I applied for and the second one after I had the interview I felt very good about.
I remember saying to my wife that this is the job that I hope I get.
When we had returned home, I went out on the side of our house where we have a little hill and a clearing where I cut up pallets that we use in our wood stove for heating our house in the winter.
This was in October of 2013, and I remember as I was cutting some of the pallets I actually started to cry out to Jesus by praying to Him that this interview that I had gone on would materialize into the job that He wanted me to receive.
For about a half hour or so, I was actually in tears crying to Jesus asking Him that if this was His Will then it would be so and that I would be so very thankful and grateful to Him if I received this opportunity. I was crying and praising Him all at the same time.
Well, Jesus responded and answered my prayers. My wife came out to the end of our farmers porch and yelled out to me that there was a phone call for me and it was the job that I had just had the interview for. The same one that I was just crying out to Jesus for.
The caller asked if I was still interested in the job opening and I said yes. He then asked when can I start and I said, anytime, when do you want me to start, and he said how about tomorrow. I said yes, that would be perfect.
I hung up the phone and my wife and I hugged and cried, because our prayers where answered. This all happened within about 45 minutes to an hour after returning home and my crying out to Jesus on the hill.
Psalm 34:17 in the New International Version (NIV) says:
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.
This job has been a real blessing to my wife and I. The pay has been pretty good and it is only a 12 to 13 minute drive from our home, but in the last year it has seen it's ups and downs. The owner has sold and merged the business with some other businesses within a holding company.
This past year we have seen about 17 to 20 employees get laid-off and hours throughout the company have been cut from 40 to 30 and 35 in some departments.
I run the shipping department and I am the only shipper. I have been fortunate in that my department in the beginning of the hourly cutbacks has stayed at a minimum of 40 hours, which is ok, but still makes it tough for paying bills and the extras that need to be paid, especially when we had gotten used to unlimited overtime and sometimes a minimum of 5 to 10 hours overtime on a pretty consistent basis.
Overtime this past year over-time has been non-existent.
During February and March of 2016, I started to look for other job opportunities because of the uncertainty of what was happening with our company and not know where it was heading as far as long term operations.
Also during this time, my supervisor informed me that he had to cut my hours to 30 per week. I told him I could not survive financially on that. He did come back to me about an hour later to tell me all he can do was to give me 35 hours. I told him that was still not good enough.
My wife's nephew works at a local Distribution center about a mile from where we live and he told me they where hiring. So I looked at the offers that I would qualify for and contacted him about the details of the positions before I applied.
I found that the shipping and receiving positions worked on a quota basis and the requirements where far more that I would have been able to handle. They required a person to load a minimum of 400 to 600 packages per hour ranging from 2 lbs to 75 lbs into a tractor trailer stacking them loose from floor to ceiling front to back.
The receiving and picking requirements where to be able to pick and pack 500 pieces per hour. These where 10 hour shifts 4 days a week, but the pay would have been perfect and a four hour work week would have been nice, plus plenty of overtime.
Anyway I knew I would not be able to meet those quotas so I decided not to apply. During this time I prayed for Jesus to help me to find other opportunities since i was running into dead ends.
About mid June, one of my co-workers came to me and said he just got a text about a job opening and wanted to know if I would be interested in it since it was in shipping and receiving. He works in QC which is Quality Control so it was not what he was looking for.
The position offered a 4 day work week and $2 per hour more to start than I was currently making.
We were busy at the time and I said I would, but it was 2 days later that I approached him to see if he still had the text and he did so I called the staffing company that was handling the interview process and I put in for it.
They scheduled an interview for July 6th at 9:30AM. We had gone to visit my son and his family in NJ the 4th of July weekend and we came back on the 5th which I had taken off from work so we could avoid the holiday traffic for the 5-1/2 hour ride home.
On the 6th I called in to work and told them I would be late because I had something to take care of. The job interview was less than a 1/4 mile down the street from my current job.
I went to the interview and they said the person doing the interviews was on vacation. I called the staffing company that set this up and they were not aware that he was on vacation and was going to re-schedule the interview, when the security person there told me they had someone else there that could do interviews as well.
The place I was applying at manufactures and ships guns and various other times for defense so security was tight and everything went through the security section.
I ended up having the interview that went very well and went back to work and waited.
When I returned to work I was asked if everything was ok, since I rarely come in late or call out, and I said everything was good. I also got some long looks because when I came into work with my hair cut short. I always kept my hair little long so this was unusual for me. I did this for the purpose of the interview.
I told my wife about the job and what it offered and that it would be a real blessing and an answer to our prayers if I got this job.
Later that night and the next morning when I do my prayers, I prayed to Jesus that if this was were He wanted me to go, then to please open the door and I would go.
My production manager had come to me the following day and I guess they had a feeling that something was up and told me that since hours were being cut and other people were looking for other jobs, that she wanted me to be honest with them and to let them know if I was looking or planning to move on.
I told her I would.
The next day was a Friday, and I felt compelled by that little voice to inform them that I had an interview and that I might be giving notice sometime next week. The voice within me was telling me to be honest about what I was doing was very persistent, so towards the end of the day, I went in and told them. She thanked me for being honest and would have to notify our business administrator who had at that time left for the day.
The following Monday I got called into the business admins office and she asked me what was going on. I told her about the job offer I applied for and was waiting to hear back from them.
She asked me what they were offering and I told her $2 per hour more than I was making now, a 4 day work week and 40 hours minimum with overtime.
She looked at me and said, okay you got it. She immediately gave me a $2 an hour raise and a guarantee of 40 hours per week minimum and said my hours were never to be cut.
She said she would not be able to offer the 4-day work week, however.
So I went back to work feeling pretty good but at the same time uneasy because I still had not heard if I actually got the other job or not.
A couple of days later after not hearing anything my wife told me to call the staffing agency to see if they heard anything. Before I could do that the staffing company called me and asked if I heard about the job offer and if I had received the position., I said I had not heard anything and they said that they received notice from the company not to send anymore applicants because the job was filled.
My wife told me they must have filled the position from inside since the staffing agency was not aware of who got the position.
I know that when you give your heart and your life to Jesus, that he will bless you more and more as you grow closer to Him.
Jesus helps us when disaster strikes
Most recently in April 2015, we had a disaster happen with our pool.
We have a 24'x 16' Gibraltar pool with a deck around it and it is 5 feet deep in the deep end and 3 feet in the low end. It is above ground except for a section of the deep end which is slightly below ground.
We had bought a new tarp this last winter to cover the pool and over the winter as it filled with ice, snow and rain it got too heavy and the weight of it as it sunk into the pool got to be too much for one of the sides and it feel apart.
My wife called me at work distraught about it but I had no real idea how bad until I got home. When I saw it, it was bad. One of the 24' sides totally disconnected at the corners and the whole 24' section fell over and the decking tore in half and the fencing was mangled.
After some serious praying for assistance, help and guidance from our Lord Jesus, my wife and I with some assistance from my wife's aunt Della, we were able to get the pool back together and we finally got to start using it in August.
It took about 5 months to get it back together but we never could have done it without the help our our Lord Jesus. He provided us the knowledge, resources, patience and blessing to get it all done.
Every-time I look at the pool now, I see an actual physical blessing before my eyes and I thank Jesus everyday in my morning prayers for helping us the way He did to get the pool back as close to how it should be, as we possibly could. Thank you Jesus, because this is solid proof that with God anything is possible.
Jesus helped us when our car needed work
On Aug. 19th 2016, my wife used the car while I was at work. When she picked me up and we were going home I noticed the battery light on the dash came on. I asked her if she noticed it before and she said no.
As we got off the highway we decided to go to the auto parts store to have them check the system to see if it was the battery or the alternator that was going bad.
It turned out to be the alternator. My wife asked the person at the auto parts store if our mechanic was still buying his parts from them and was this alternator theirs and if ti had a warranty.
The guy said our mechanic was not buying as much from them as he used to and that the alternator in our car was not theirs.
We had our mechanic put this alternator on the car in Oct 2015, so it was just less than a year and it was now no good.
So we drove the car home so I could get in touch with our mechanic to see if he would be able to work on it the next day which was Saturday and while we were driving it was making a load humming noise so we knew it wasn't going to be long and the car was going to lose all power.
As I backed into the spot in our driveway, the car flat-lined and was now dead. I called our mechanic and left a message about our situation. Problem was is that we only have one car to use to get around and it was now dead.
That morning when I got up about 5AM, and as I was saying my prayers, which I do everyday to start my day, I had prayed to my Lord Jesus, that if I had to work on the car, if He would give me the patience, knowledge, guidance and resources to be able to repair the car successfully and to help me to control my feelings of frustration and anger that in the past when i would work on a car for any reason, would over whelm me into being a person not fit to be around.
About 8 AM Saturday morning our mechanic called and said he was not working that day, he was going to spend the day with his daughter, but he said he would call the auto store where he had bought the alternator to see if they would honor the warranty if I brought the alternator in to them.
He called back and said they would. Now I was faced with a dilemma. I'm not a mechanic and we did not have a car available to take the part to the store to get a new one. But I remembered my prayer and I had a calming feeling that I could do this without any problems as long as I kept Jesus and His words that He will provide in my thoughts.
I went on u-tube to get some ideas of changing the alternator and I asked my mechanic if there was anything I needed as far as special tools to do the job. I have the basic wrenches and sockets so I did have something to work with.
He did say I might need a special tool to loosen the belt so i could put the new alternator on or i could use a socket wrench.
Anyway I went out to work on the car and while I was doing that our neighbor across the street was pulling out of his driveway and I flagged him down to see if he could help me in a little while to go to the store to get the new alternator and he said he could.
So while I went back to taking the old alternator off, my wife's aunt shows up to see how things are going. It turned out that my wife was talking to her last night after we got home and told her our situation, so she decided to stop by to see if she could be of any help.
It turned out to be a real blessing because now I was able to use her car to go get the new alternator, since she said she would stay until I had finished working on the car.
I got the alternator off and took it to the auto parts store and exchanged it for a new alternator. As I was leaving I mentioned that I hoped this would go back on as easy as it came off because I wanted to avoid getting aggravated and using any choice words, which I was able to avoid so far.
One guy behind the counter,(he was the driver who delivered parts), said sometimes you need to say a few choice words to make things work.
I told him I was giving up on that because I was now going to church on a regular basis and that I wanted to clean up my act to be a better person and abetter Christian.
The other guy behind the counter said he had given up on using choice words such as bad language as well and we both said and agreed that in learning more about Jesus we have been able through him to see our lives changing for the better.
He then told me that he was not just the manager of the store, but he is a pastor as well. We talk briefly about our churches and then I left to go and put the new alternator on our car.
As I was trying to put the alternator on the car I was having trouble loosening the belt so I could put it on. My mechanic had said I may need a special tool to use on the tension pulley or I could possibly use a socket wrench. I tried the socket wrench and it was not .
Also while I was doing this, I noticed a drip of water coming down off a metal pipe that came from the bottom of the water pump. This pipe ran from the bottom of the water pump, and curved towards the front of the car under the pulley's and belts and attached to a larger rubber hose that connected to the bottom of the radiator.
The drip of water was new, since the ground was not that wet, so it apparently had just started to drip. I had noticed for a while before all this, that when I parked the car and walked around the front I could very faintly smell anti-freeze, but I could not see where it was coming from. Now I found out. This pipe was apparently starting to slowly leak from the o-ring.
So now I need to find out where I could get this special tool to loosen the belt so I could put the alternator on and I had to find out where I could get this pipe. I looked on the computer and found out the pipe was called the water return pipe.
I called several auto parts stores and found the tool and some info on the pipe and left to pick it up. When I got there I asked them about the pipe and they had printed 2 pictures of the pipe and wanted to know if our water system was oil cooled or not. I had no idea, but they also said they did not have the pipe in stock but their other stores in the next town over, about 30 minutes away, did.
I bought the tool and took the pictures they printed out with me so I could go and find out what kind of pipe I actually had. As I left that store, I noticed I was passing the store I was at earlier, where I picked up the alternator and I saw that it was 12:40 and that they would be closing in 20 minutes, and I felt that persistent voice (which I know is God was talking to me), tell me to pull in and check em out, so I quickly pulled in, just to check to see if they had the pipe.
I asked the man (who was also the Pastor), behind the counter about the pipe and showed him the print out I got and he said he had them both in stock. (Thank You Lord Jesus). I then called my mechanic to see if he knew if my system was oil cooled or not and he wasn't 100% sure, but he didn't think it was and the Pastor behind the counter said most cars are not. So I bought the pipe that was not for the oil cooled system and went home and the first thing I did was to look and check which pipe I had and I had the right one.
Anyway,I got the car fixed in record time for my level of experience and I was able to complete the whole job without my usual aggravation and anger and everything worked out just right with no problems or major set backs.
I then realized just how well things can work out, even when faced with unfortunate obstacles, when you start the day Praying to Jesus, and during your Prayers you ask for His help, guidance and assistance for the tasks you are faced with for the day, and as you go about your day and are faced with situations, you should stop and ask Jesus for guidance and to tell you and lead you in the direction He wants you to go.
Another Wonderful Blessing from Our Lord, Jesus
Since we live in cold New England, we do the best to stay warm by picking up pallets from some local businesses and cutting them into pieces to burn in our wood stove. Can't beat free heat. It keeps us warm but it is a lot of work to pick the pallets up and cutting them into burnable pieces.
This year my wife's daughter and son-in-law bought a home with a wood stove as well and we are trying to help them keep warm and save some money on heating costs, so we are supplying wood for both homes.
We have a fair supply of pallets in the side yard, but the supply is running low and the local businesses have not had a large amount of pallets available, like they usually do.
I prayed to my Lord about my concern about our pallet supply running lower faster than usual and wondering if we were going to be able to keep finding enough pallets for both families.
Well, He answered my prayer.
While I was at work, I noticed my production manager gathering boxes of paper to go to the recycling and I asked her if I could take the paper for starting the wood stove.
I also made a mention that I picked up some pallets from a place down the road that morning and that was why I was a few minutes late for work and the secretary asked if I would be interested in getting more pallets and I said I'm always looking for pallets.
She told me her husband worked just down the road at a warehouse and they had a lot of pallets they wanted to get rid of and she got me his phone number and told me she talked with him and that he had 100+/- pallets that I could have.
I talked with him and made arrangements over the next couple of weeks to pick up the pallets and that I will continue to go there on a bi-weekly or monthly basis to pick up any pallets they have.
This goes to prove just how Awesome my Lord Jesus is, in providing for us in our time of need and how He gives us more than we could ever expect. I am so thankful for all that my Lord Jesus is doing for me, not just in this life now, but for all that I know that He is doing and preparing for me when I join Him in Heaven.
My God is an awesome God. Thank you Jesus.
Don't PASS this up... GOD is Offering You a Gift!
But you MUST be Willing to Accept it, in Order to Receive it!
John 3:16 16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
John 3:36
36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
The Gift is... ETERNAL LIFE, through His Son, Jesus Christ!
Romans 6:23
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I pray that you will discover after reading through my testimony below, that you will come to know just how Gracious, Merciful, Forgiving, Loving and so much more, the Lord our God, is and the Loving Grace that our Heavenly Father is offering to Everyone, no matter who you are or what you have done.
Jesus wants to Forgive you and me, of our sins, (Click Here to know what sin is), so we may have Eternal Life and be with Him for all Eternity.
This is a matter of Eternal Life or Eternal Death for NO ONE Knows the day or time that we will depart from this life, through death or rapture.
Don't Wait, until then, for then it will be TOO LATE!
No One Knows the Day or HourMatthew 24:36
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Jesus wants to Forgive YOU of your Sins and Save YOU from Eternal Seperation from God the Father and from Eternal Death so YOU can Live Forever, with Him in Heaven!
However, YOU need to Make that Decision! Jesus is Waiting on YOU!
If you would like to Receive God's Gift of Eternal Life...
Redemption in Christ Ephesians 1:3-22
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,
4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, 9 having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, 10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him. 11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, 12 that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.
13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.
Start Reading the Bible, Today...
Because it is the Word ofGod
John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Matthew 4:4-5 4 But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
What does the word, BIBLE stand for? It stands for... B - Basic I - Instructions B - Before L - Leaving E - Earth
Click Here to open God's Word starting at The Gospel of John